Coaching and Integration

What is Internal Landscapes Coaching?

As your Internal Landscapes Coach I will walk with you for as long as needed as a friend and ally on your journey towards ever-expanding wholeness. I offer the tools that have helped me along the way and most importantly, I offer myself as a sounding board, someone to reflect back and help YOU to see where you might be “stuck”. We all have our blind spots and sometimes a coach can help with pointing these out in a direct yet compassionate way. With laser focus I will help you find your limiting beliefs and stuck emotional energies that keep you looping. And then to be able to truly come back to that place of “All-Is-Well” by aligning with the best fitting energies/vibrations that are needed in that moment. This is a doorway I find to be the most potent for disrupting our every day stress patterns that have been programmed into our psyche and we have habitually taken on. We all have traumas from childhood, birth, past lives, ancestral, collective, you name it. It’s time to take our power and energy back and I am here to be of service in this endeavor.

Join me in being a disrupt to the status quo by creating an opening and riding the current of Pure Consciousness and Spaciousness. Let’s allow it to come through and bring more Love and Light into these times.

I can vouch first hand that when you restructure your inner landscape, everything on the outside transforms with you. I am reminded of this fact time and time again when I still slip back into old default modes of patterning, decide to stay there for as long as needed, but then re-align and remember and see the shift on the outside mirroring the inside. Whether one can argue that it’s the shift in perspective that changes or that reality shifts to match our vibration (I believe both), it’s a first hand experience to be self-discovered.

What is Embodied Imagination® for Psychedelic Integration?

This method was originally created to work with dreams, yet inspired by psychedelics, from Dr. Robert Bosnak. In our school we were given permission by Bosnak himself to use this method on psychedelic journeys because basically dreams and visions of psychedelic experiences are quite similar, both coming from within one’s own consciousness. When we use this technique, we essentially re-enter the journey and go to the focal and most potent points, where one might still be curious about what wants to be seen, shared, resolved, and integrated. It’s a journey in itself and quite eye-opening and mind-altering. Also this technique can be used on the dreams that show up right after a journey or even before!

If you choose to work with me, I will be deeply honored to be an ally on your path, whether it’s for just one session or for many. It’s my honor and joy to hold space for people as they prepare for and unravel their psychedelic processes and personal journey of ever-expanding wholeness.